While I was organizing my workspace today, I noticed that I had slipped into a distinctly blissful space. At one point I became aware of a stray cabinet knob in my hand. As I looked for a place to store it, I noticed a closet without a knob. When those elements fell together, the whole room changed in under a minute. Then, as I perused the clutter, I came across an IKEA shelf with only three of those tiny metal pegs. Moments later I opened a random drawer, only to discover a forth matching spare peg, accidently placed there a couple of years ago.
Okay, the Earth didn’t move. There was no voice from the heavens. But as I hung a shelf here and discovered useful hidden treasures in packing boxes, I began to experience a great sense of well-being.
Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences that let you know you are on track. The more beneficial “accidents” you notice, the lighter you feel and the easier you move money.
My coaching practice has always been unusually successful. I had my first million dollar year in 1995, despite the remote location in the Texas hill country. The results flowed directly from our unique assisting process.
Assisting is a form of volunteering. A few curious people get together before every event and organize the space. Tasks are presented in the context of a game, with the aim to achieve the joy of team spirit. No task ranks higher than another. Every player is equal. By the time people arrive for the workshop, our assisting team has set up a powerful magnetic field that invites people to participate in a peak experience.
My coaching business created a conference center on a ranch in Texas. We moved around a $100,000 per month through the doors for six exciting years. More importantly, hours spent sweeping floors and clearing trails brought me some of the best days of my life. That system crumbled when a few of our affiliates began to misuse the assisting process to dominate participants and to get their houses cleaned.
The joy of assisting is that the tasks can’t bring profit or advantage to anyone. The shared joy arises from the fact that trainers, coaches, clients, students, professionals and volunteers all roll up their sleeves and pitch in. If anyone is special, their arrogance distorts the process.
The test for assisting is simple: Does the game light people up? If people are not glowing with vitality by bringing order out of chaos, then the spirit of assisting is missing.
This year my son, McLaren, spent eight months with me in Europe. He arrived unhappy and full with fears and worries. He departed happy with new confidence. Assisting made the difference. Through simple tasks and feedback he could let go of the guilt and pain he had acquired from punishment based systems.
GCN offers the finest training for coaches at the lowest prices. But assisting is free. You only have to be willing to leave your worry and pain outside the door and to let yourself be moved into higher states of awareness through simple tasks that release the breath and sooth the savage mind.
Service remains the only reliable path to true happiness. As the service economy displaces the industrial economy, we invite you to join in the fun by devoting some time to the assisting process. You can e-mail Mia Sage for details.
--Martin Sage